You can find in which order the scripts should be started
Setting Vehicle Spawn
If you were running RxPlayerStores v1.0.0, make sure to copy the last line from your rx_playerstores.sql file, or below and execute this in your database.
For every store you have in your server, you can set the vehicle spawncoords by using /ps:setdrive. This will automatically set the vehicle spawn coords for the most nearby store.
--[[BY RX Scripts Š]]Config = {}Config.Locale ='en'Config.Order = { vehicles = { default ='pounder', override = { -- Store Types that have a different vehicle ['gunstore'] ='terbyte', } }, blip = { enabled =true, sprite =318, color =5, scale =0.8, display =4, shortrange =true, label ='Order Pickup' }, locations = {vector3(97.7901, -1824.2078, 26.2208),vector3(207.7879, -1672.0322, 29.8038),vector3(138.2948, -1505.0133, 29.1407),vector3(69.7023, -1427.5569, 29.2984),vector3(31.4623, -1314.1611, 29.4541),vector3(-191.2400, -1284.8578, 31.2351),vector3(370.0659, -770.2822, 29.2926), }}Config.Delivery = { amountPerLocation = 10, -- Max amount of a product delivered per location, to calculate how many locations are needed to complete the delivery
moneyType ='bank', -- Money type to pay the player with after delivery vehicles = { default ='pony', override = { -- Store Types that have a different vehicle ['gunstore'] ='gburrito', } }, blip = { enabled =true, sprite =318, color =5, scale =0.8, display =4, shortrange =true, label ='Delivery' }, locations = {vector4(1138.8767, -322.3886, 67.1457, 187.4557),vector4(1241.5310, -417.2738, 71.5784, 160.7858),vector4(1082.5217, -787.4326, 58.3530, 355.8090),vector4(1125.2415, -1010.4080, 44.6729, 271.7904),vector4(1135.9784, -1402.3773, 34.5986, 1.3185),vector4(1561.4861, -1693.6323, 89.2134, 193.5355),vector4(1744.1617, -1623.0521, 112.6428, 279.3121),vector4(1250.6952, -1966.1755, 44.3162, 180.8794),vector4(615.5451, -410.3037, 26.0321, 167.8865),vector4(716.7266, -654.5652, 27.7852, 87.2464),vector4(889.7056, -1045.9211, 35.1709, 358.2283), }}--[[ ONLY CHANGE THIS PART IF YOU HAVE RENAMED SCRIPTS SUCH AS FRAMEWORK, TARGET, INVENTORY ETC RENAME THE SCRIPT NAME TO THE NEW NAME--]]---@typetable Only change these if you have changed the name of a resourceResources = { FM = { name ='fmLib', export ='new' },}IgnoreScriptFoundLogs =false