Here you will find all the information you need to setup the Jobs DLC.
Ensuring RxD_Jobs
You can find here in which order the scripts should be started
Setting Vehicle Spawn
If you were running RxPlayerStores v1.0.0, make sure to copy the last line from your rx_playerstores.sql file, or below and execute this in your database.
ALTER TABLE `rx_playerstores` ADD `driveCoords` longtext DEFAULT NULL;
For every store you have in your server, you can set the vehicle spawncoords by using /ps:setdrive. This will automatically set the vehicle spawn coords for the most nearby store.
Config File(s)
--[[BY RX Scripts Š]]Config = {}Config.Locale ='en'Config.Order = { vehicles = { default ='pounder', override = { -- Store Types that have a different vehicle ['gunstore'] ='terbyte', } }, blip = { enabled =true, sprite =318, color =5, scale =0.8, display =4, shortrange =true, label ='Order Pickup' }, locations = {vector3(97.7901, -1824.2078, 26.2208),vector3(207.7879, -1672.0322, 29.8038),vector3(138.2948, -1505.0133, 29.1407),vector3(69.7023, -1427.5569, 29.2984),vector3(31.4623, -1314.1611, 29.4541),vector3(-191.2400, -1284.8578, 31.2351),vector3(370.0659, -770.2822, 29.2926), }}Config.Delivery = { amountPerLocation =10, -- Max amount of a product delivered per location, to calculate how many locations are needed to complete the delivery moneyType ='bank', -- Money type to pay the player with after delivery vehicles = { default ='pony', override = { -- Store Types that have a different vehicle ['gunstore'] ='gburrito', } }, blip = { enabled =true, sprite =318, color =5, scale =0.8, display =4, shortrange =true, label ='Delivery' }, locations = {vector4(1138.8767, -322.3886, 67.1457, 187.4557),vector4(1241.5310, -417.2738, 71.5784, 160.7858),vector4(1082.5217, -787.4326, 58.3530, 355.8090),vector4(1125.2415, -1010.4080, 44.6729, 271.7904),vector4(1135.9784, -1402.3773, 34.5986, 1.3185),vector4(1561.4861, -1693.6323, 89.2134, 193.5355),vector4(1744.1617, -1623.0521, 112.6428, 279.3121),vector4(1250.6952, -1966.1755, 44.3162, 180.8794),vector4(615.5451, -410.3037, 26.0321, 167.8865),vector4(716.7266, -654.5652, 27.7852, 87.2464),vector4(889.7056, -1045.9211, 35.1709, 358.2283), }}--[[ ONLY CHANGE THIS PART IF YOU HAVE RENAMED SCRIPTS SUCH AS FRAMEWORK, TARGET, INVENTORY ETC RENAME THE SCRIPT NAME TO THE NEW NAME--]]---@typetable Only change these if you have changed the name of a resourceResources = { FM = { name ='fmLib', export ='new' },}IgnoreScriptFoundLogs =false