
BY RX Scripts Š rxscripts.xyz

Config.DownedPlayers = true -- Enable or disable getting downed
Config.RevivingDowned = true -- Enable or disable reviving downed players
Config.ClearInventoryOnDeath = true -- Enable or disable clearing inventory on death
Config.LootDownedInventory = true -- Enable or disable looting downed players
Config.SuicideCommand = "suicide" -- Command for suicide, set to false to disable

Config.DownTime = 20 -- Seconds you are downed

Config.DeathWait = 0 -- Seconds before executing onDeath code (in case u want to do something first after dying)

Config.SurvivingChance = 10 -- 0% - 100% chance to survive a down
Config.HealthAfterRevival = 50 -- 1% - 100% of max health after revival
Config.HealthOnDown = 5 -- 1% - 100% of max health after downed
Config.HealthOnSpawn = 100 -- 1% - 100% of max health after respawning

Config.BedsLimit = 3 -- Limit of beds
Config.BedCooldown = 300 -- Seconds
Config.BedObject = "imp_prop_impexp_campbed_01" -- Object spawning for bed, 'false' to disable
Config.BedSpawnZOffset = 1.0 -- Z offset for bed spawning

Config.PlaceBedBy = {
    command = "placebed", -- '"commandName"' to enable, 'false' to disable
    usableItem = "bed", -- Usable item to place bed (only possible with ESX & QBCore), 'false' to disable

Config.RemoveBedBy = {
    command = "pickupbed", -- Command to remove bed when close to a bed, 'false' to disable

Config.Revive = {
    command = "revive",
    adminOnly = true,

Config.DownAnim = {
    dict = "missheist_agency3aig_19",
    anim = "ground_call_help",

Config.NpcKillerName = "Zombie"

Config.DefaultSpawns = {
    { label = "Safezone A", coords = vector4(632.2690, 632.3923, 128.9111, 158.0811) },
    { label = "Safezone B", coords = vector4(628.9008, 630.9257, 128.9125, 111.8532) },
    { label = "Safezone C", coords = vector4(627.4444, 634.0447, 128.9209, 24.2166) },
    { label = "Hospital A", coords = vector4(625.3577, 631.8191, 128.9563, 140.5466) },
    { label = "Hospital B", coords = vector4(628.8401, 627.0576, 128.9131, 222.7354) },
    { label = "Hospital C", coords = vector4(629.9598, 619.1959, 128.9137, 167.13540) },

Config.RandomRareSpawns = {
    chance = 10, -- 0% - 100% chance to spawn at a rare location
    locations = {
        vector4(628.6385, 646.9886, 129.1072, 307.6381),
        vector4(624.0039, 637.3432, 128.9113, 170.6805),

Config.RandomCommonSpawns = {
    chance = 90, -- 0% - 100% chance to spawn at a common location
    locations = {
        vector4(624.0039, 637.3432, 128.9113, 170.6805),
        vector4(628.6385, 646.9886, 129.1072, 307.6381),

Last updated