In this page, you can see everything that can be configured/changed within this script.
Config files
BY RX Scripts Š
ORES CAN BE FOUND IN config/ores.lua
TOOLS CAN BE FOUND IN config/tools.lua
LEVELS CAN BE FOUND IN config/levels.lua
MISSIONS CAN BE FOUND IN config/missions.lua
Config = {}
Config.SaveInterval = 10 -- Minutes (Set to 'false' to disable saving on interval, only on server shutdown, or important reached levels) -- Discord webhook to send important logs (Set to '' to disable)
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.ImgDirectory = 'ox_inventory/web/images/' -- The directory where the images are stored.
Config.Keybinds = {
pile = 36, -- LEFT CTRL
Config.MiningLicense = {
enabled = true, -- Set to false to disable the whole mining license
buyable = true, -- Set to false to disable buying the license, use exports to give the license to a player
price = 1500,
moneyType = 'bank',
restricts = {
mining = true, -- If true, mining without a license will notify the police and will give no benefits
shopNPC = true, -- If true, you need a mining license to open the shop NPC
sellNPC = true, -- If true, you need a mining license to open the sell NPC
miningNPC = true, -- If true, you need a mining license to open the mining NPC
vehicleRenting = true, -- If true, you need a mining license to rent a vehicle
Config.MiningNPC = { -- NPC to buy mining license (if enabled) & see routes, level etc..
enabled = true, -- Set to false to disable the mining NPC
coords = vector3(1078.8353, -1980.5603, 30.4708),
heading = 190.3568,
model = 's_m_y_construct_01',
blip = {
enabled = true,
sprite = 124,
color = 31,
label = 'Bob The Miner',
display = 2,
scale = 0.7,
shortrange = true,
Config.ShopNPC = { -- NPC that opens a shop
enabled = true, -- Set to false to disable the shop npc
route = true, -- If true, the shop NPC will have a route in the mining npc
label = 'Mining Shop',
moneyType = 'bank',
model = 's_m_y_dockwork_01',
coords = vector3(1078.0854, -1972.3464, 30.4707),
heading = 196.7609,
blip = {
enabled = true,
sprite = 124,
color = 31,
display = 2,
scale = 0.7,
shortrange = true,
categories = {
['Pickaxes'] = {
{ item = 'stone_pickaxe', amount = 1, price = 2500, label = 'Stone Pickaxe', requiredLevel = 0, mystery = false },
{ item = 'iron_pickaxe', amount = 1, price = 5000, label = 'Iron Pickaxe', requiredLevel = 1, mystery = false },
{ item = 'steel_pickaxe', amount = 1, price = 7500, label = 'Steel Pickaxe', requiredLevel = 3, mystery = false },
{ item = 'titanium_pickaxe', amount = 1, price = 10000, label = 'Titanium Pickaxe', requiredLevel = 4, mystery = false },
{ item = 'diamond_pickaxe', amount = 1, price = 15000, label = 'Diamond Pickaxe', requiredLevel = 5, mystery = true },
{ item = 'quantum_pickaxe', amount = 1, price = 20000, label = 'Quantum Pickaxe', requiredLevel = 6, mystery = true },
['Drills'] = {
{ item = 'mining_drill', amount = 1, price = 50000, label = 'Mining Drill', requiredLevel = 8, mystery = false },
{ item = 'laser_drill', amount = 1, price = 100000, label = 'Laser Drill', requiredLevel = 10, mystery = true },
Config.SellNPCS = { -- NPC that opens a shop to sell mining stuff
enabled = true, -- Set to false to disable the selling shop npc
route = true, -- If true, the sell NPC will have a route in the mining npc
label = 'Ingots Selling',
moneyType = 'bank',
model = 'a_m_m_hillbilly_01',
coords = vector3(1076.8552, -1987.3607, 29.9554),
heading = 234.2191,
blip = {
enabled = true,
sprite = 124,
color = 31,
display = 2,
scale = 0.7,
shortrange = true,
categories = { -- Price is per 1
['Ingots'] = {
{ item = 'copper_ingot', price = 100, label = 'Copper Ingot', requiredLevel = 0, mystery = false },
{ item = 'iron_ingot', price = 200, label = 'Iron Ingot', requiredLevel = 1, mystery = false },
{ item = 'silver_ingot', price = 300, label = 'Silver Ingot', requiredLevel = 2, mystery = false },
{ item = 'gold_ingot', price = 400, label = 'Gold Ingot', requiredLevel = 3, mystery = false },
{ item = 'platinum_ingot', price = 500, label = 'Platinum Ingot', requiredLevel = 4, mystery = false },
{ item = 'titanium_ingot', price = 750, label = 'Titanium Ingot', requiredLevel = 5, mystery = false },
{ item = 'mithril_ingot', price = 1000, label = 'Mitril Ingot', requiredLevel = 6, mystery = true },
{ item = 'adamantium_ingot', price = 1500, label = 'Adamantium Ingot', requiredLevel = 8, mystery = true },
enabled = true, -- Set to false to disable the selling shop npc
route = true, -- If true, the sell NPC will have a route in the mining npc
label = 'Ore Selling',
moneyType = 'bank',
model = 'a_m_m_hillbilly_01',
coords = vector3(2664.0840, 2893.8633, 35.7282),
heading = 350.2184,
blip = {
enabled = true,
sprite = 124,
color = 31,
display = 2,
scale = 0.7,
shortrange = true,
categories = { -- Price is per 1
['Ores'] = {
{ item = 'coal_ore', price = 10, label = 'Coal Ore', requiredLevel = 0, mystery = false },
{ item = 'copper_ore', price = 10, label = 'Copper Ore', requiredLevel = 0, mystery = false },
{ item = 'iron_ore', price = 20, label = 'Iron Ore', requiredLevel = 1, mystery = false },
{ item = 'silver_ore', price = 30, label = 'Silver Ore', requiredLevel = 2, mystery = false },
{ item = 'gold_ore', price = 40, label = 'Gold Ore', requiredLevel = 3, mystery = false },
{ item = 'platinum_ore', price = 50, label = 'Platinum Ore', requiredLevel = 4, mystery = false },
{ item = 'titanium_ore', price = 75, label = 'Titanium Ore', requiredLevel = 5, mystery = false },
{ item = 'mithril_ore', price = 100, label = 'Mitril Ore', requiredLevel = 6, mystery = true },
{ item = 'adamantium_ore', price = 150, label = 'Adamantium Ore', requiredLevel = 8, mystery = true },
Config.VehicleRentals = { -- Vehicle rentals (clear table to disable)
['Dumpers Rental'] = {
model = 'a_m_m_hillbilly_01',
locations = {
coords = vector3(2706.0933, 2777.3484, 36.8780),
heading = 63.5346,
spawnCoords = vector4(2687.5459, 2767.3572, 36.8780, 203.7949),
returnCoords = vector3(2697.3955, 2776.9321, 37.8780)
moneyType = 'bank',
vehicles = {
{ model = 'bulldozer', label = 'Bulldozer', rentInterval = 30, intervalPrice = 1500, deposit = 10000, requiredLevel = 1, mystery = false },
{ model = 'dump', label = 'Dump', rentInterval = 30, intervalPrice = 2500, deposit = 15000, requiredLevel = 3, mystery = false },
{ model = 'tiptruck2', label = 'Tiptruck', rentInterval = 30, intervalPrice = 3000, deposit = 15000, requiredLevel = 3, mystery = false },
{ model = 'rubble', label = 'Rubble', rentInterval = 30, intervalPrice = 3500, deposit = 20000, requiredLevel = 5, mystery = true },
blip = {
enabled = true,
sprite = 124,
color = 31,
display = 2,
scale = 0.7,
shortrange = true,
---@type table Only change these if you have changed the name of a resource
Resources = {
FM = { name = 'fmLib', export = 'new' },
OXTarget = { name = 'ox_target', export = 'all' },
QBTarget = { name = 'qb-target', export = 'all' },
IgnoreScriptFoundLogs = false
BY RX Scripts Š
Config.Ores = {
['Coal Ore'] = { -- Must be unique
model = 'rx_coal_ore',
spawnChance = 50,
mineDuration = 5,
mineHits = { min = 2, max = 5 },
lootLoop = 2,
loot = {
{ item = 'stone', min = 1, max = 3, chance = 60 },
{ item = 'coal_ore', min = 1, max = 2, chance = 40 },
xp = {
mineGain = 5,
tools = {
'Laser Drill',
'Mining Drill',
'Quantum Pickaxe',
'Diamond Pickaxe',
'Titanium Pickaxe',
'Steel Pickaxe',
'Iron Pickaxe',
'Stone Pickaxe',
['Copper Ore'] = { -- Must be unique
model = 'rx_copper_ore',
spawnChance = 45,
mineDuration = 7,
mineHits = { min = 2, max = 5 },
lootLoop = 2,
loot = {
{ item = 'stone', min = 1, max = 3, chance = 50 },
{ item = 'copper_ore', min = 1, max = 2, chance = 50 },
xp = {
mineGain = 7,
tools = {
'Laser Drill',
'Mining Drill',
'Quantum Pickaxe',
'Diamond Pickaxe',
'Titanium Pickaxe',
'Steel Pickaxe',
'Iron Pickaxe',
'Stone Pickaxe',
['Iron Ore'] = { -- Must be unique
model = 'rx_iron_ore',
spawnChance = 40,
mineDuration = 10,
mineHits = { min = 2, max = 5 },
lootLoop = 2,
loot = {
{ item = 'stone', min = 1, max = 3, chance = 50 },
{ item = 'iron_ore', min = 1, max = 2, chance = 50 },
xp = {
mineGain = 10,
tools = {
'Laser Drill',
'Mining Drill',
'Quantum Pickaxe',
'Diamond Pickaxe',
'Titanium Pickaxe',
'Steel Pickaxe',
'Iron Pickaxe',
['Silver Ore'] = { -- Must be unique
model = 'rx_silver_ore',
spawnChance = 35,
mineDuration = 12,
mineHits = { min = 2, max = 5 },
lootLoop = 2,
loot = {
{ item = 'stone', min = 1, max = 3, chance = 50 },
{ item = 'silver_ore', min = 1, max = 2, chance = 50 },
xp = {
mineGain = 12,
tools = {
'Laser Drill',
'Mining Drill',
'Quantum Pickaxe',
'Diamond Pickaxe',
'Titanium Pickaxe',
'Steel Pickaxe',
['Gold Ore'] = { -- Must be unique
model = 'rx_gold_ore',
spawnChance = 30,
mineDuration = 15,
mineHits = { min = 2, max = 5 },
lootLoop = 2,
loot = {
{ item = 'stone', min = 1, max = 3, chance = 50 },
{ item = 'gold_ore', min = 1, max = 2, chance = 50 },
xp = {
mineGain = 15,
tools = {
'Laser Drill',
'Mining Drill',
'Quantum Pickaxe',
'Diamond Pickaxe',
'Titanium Pickaxe',
'Steel Pickaxe',
['Platinum Ore'] = { -- Must be unique
model = 'rx_green_ore',
spawnChance = 25,
mineDuration = 18,
mineHits = { min = 2, max = 5 },
lootLoop = 2,
loot = {
{ item = 'stone', min = 1, max = 3, chance = 50 },
{ item = 'platinum_ore', min = 1, max = 2, chance = 50 },
xp = {
mineGain = 18,
tools = {
'Laser Drill',
'Mining Drill',
'Quantum Pickaxe',
'Diamond Pickaxe',
'Titanium Pickaxe',
['Titanium Ore'] = { -- Must be unique
model = 'rx_red_ore',
spawnChance = 20,
mineDuration = 20,
mineHits = { min = 2, max = 5 },
lootLoop = 2,
loot = {
{ item = 'stone', min = 1, max = 3, chance = 50 },
{ item = 'titanium_ore', min = 1, max = 2, chance = 50 },
xp = {
mineGain = 20,
tools = {
'Laser Drill',
'Mining Drill',
'Quantum Pickaxe',
'Diamond Pickaxe',
['Mithril Ore'] = { -- Must be unique
model = 'rx_mithril_ore',
spawnChance = 15,
mineDuration = 22,
mineHits = { min = 2, max = 5 },
lootLoop = 2,
loot = {
{ item = 'stone', min = 1, max = 3, chance = 50 },
{ item = 'mithril_ore', min = 1, max = 2, chance = 50 },
xp = {
mineGain = 22,
tools = {
'Laser Drill',
'Mining Drill',
'Quantum Pickaxe',
['Adamantium Ore'] = { -- Must be unique
model = 'rx_adamantium_ore',
spawnChance = 10,
mineDuration = 25,
mineHits = { min = 2, max = 5 },
lootLoop = 2,
loot = {
{ item = 'stone', min = 1, max = 3, chance = 60 },
{ item = 'adamantium_ore', min = 1, max = 2, chance = 40 },
xp = {
mineGain = 25,
tools = {
'Laser Drill',
'Mining Drill',
BY RX Scripts Š
Config.Tools = {
['Stone Pickaxe'] = { -- Must be unique
item = 'stone_pickaxe', -- Item name
requiredLevel = 0, -- Required level to use the tool
multipliers = {
lootAmount = 1, -- 1x loot amount
mineDuration = 1.0, -- 1x mining speed
xpGain = 1.0, -- 1x xp gain
durability = 100, -- Durability of the tool (1 hit = -1 durability)
anim = { dict = 'amb@world_human_hammering@male@base', anim = 'base' },
prop = { bone = 57005, model = 'prop_tool_pickaxe', position = vec3(0.09, -0.53, -0.22), rotation = vec3(252.0, 180.0, 0.0) },
['Iron Pickaxe'] = { -- Must be unique
item = 'iron_pickaxe', -- Item name
requiredLevel = 1, -- Required level to use the tool
multipliers = {
lootAmount = 1.2, -- 1.2x loot amount
mineDuration = 1.2, -- 1.2x faster mining
xpGain = 1.2, -- 1.2x more xp on mining
durability = 120, -- Durability of the tool (1 hit = -1 durability)
anim = { dict = 'amb@world_human_hammering@male@base', anim = 'base' },
prop = { bone = 57005, model = 'rx_iron_pickaxe', position = vec3(0.09, -0.53, -0.22), rotation = vec3(252.0, 180.0, 0.0) },
['Steel Pickaxe'] = { -- Must be unique
item = 'steel_pickaxe', -- Item name
requiredLevel = 3, -- Required level to use the tool
multipliers = {
lootAmount = 1.5, -- 1.5x loot amount
mineDuration = 1.5, -- 1.5x faster mining
xpGain = 1.5, -- 1.5x more xp on mining
durability = 150, -- Durability of the tool (1 hit = -1 durability)
anim = { dict = 'amb@world_human_hammering@male@base', anim = 'base' },
prop = { bone = 57005, model = 'rx_steel_pickaxe', position = vec3(0.09, -0.53, -0.22), rotation = vec3(252.0, 180.0, 0.0) },
['Titanium Pickaxe'] = { -- Must be unique
item = 'titanium_pickaxe', -- Item name
requiredLevel = 4, -- Required level to use the tool
multipliers = {
lootAmount = 1.8, -- 1.8x loot amount
mineDuration = 1.8, -- 1.8x faster mining
xpGain = 1.8, -- 1.8x more xp on mining
durability = 200, -- Durability of the tool (1 hit = -1 durability)
anim = { dict = 'amb@world_human_hammering@male@base', anim = 'base' },
prop = { bone = 57005, model = 'rx_titanium_pickaxe', position = vec3(0.09, -0.53, -0.22), rotation = vec3(252.0, 180.0, 0.0) },
['Diamond Pickaxe'] = { -- Must be unique
item = 'diamond_pickaxe', -- Item name
requiredLevel = 5, -- Required level to use the tool
multipliers = {
lootAmount = 2.0, -- 2x loot amount
mineDuration = 2.0, -- 2x faster mining
xpGain = 2.0, -- 2x more xp on mining
durability = 250, -- Durability of the tool (1 hit = -1 durability)
anim = { dict = 'amb@world_human_hammering@male@base', anim = 'base' },
prop = { bone = 57005, model = 'rx_diamond_pickaxe', position = vec3(0.09, -0.53, -0.22), rotation = vec3(252.0, 180.0, 0.0) },
['Quantum Pickaxe'] = { -- Must be unique
item = 'quantum_pickaxe', -- Item name
requiredLevel = 6, -- Required level to use the tool
multipliers = {
lootAmount = 2.2, -- 2.2x loot amount
mineDuration = 2.2, -- 2.2x faster mining
xpGain = 2.2, -- 2.2x more xp on mining
durability = 300, -- Durability of the tool (1 hit = -1 durability)
anim = { dict = 'amb@world_human_hammering@male@base', anim = 'base' },
prop = { bone = 57005, model = 'rx_quantum_pickaxe', position = vec3(0.09, -0.53, -0.22), rotation = vec3(252.0, 180.0, 0.0) },
['Mining Drill'] = { -- Must be unique
item = 'mining_drill', -- Item name
requiredLevel = 8, -- Required level to use the tool
multipliers = {
lootAmount = 2.5, -- 2.5x loot amount
mineDuration = 2.5, -- 2.5x faster mining
xpGain = 2.5, -- 2.5x more xp on mining
durability = 200, -- Durability of the tool (1 hit = -1 durability)
anim = { dict = 'anim@heists@fleeca_bank@drilling', anim = 'drill_straight_fail' },
prop = { bone = 57005, model = 'hei_prop_heist_drill', position = vec3(0.14, 0, -0.01), rotation = vec3(240.0, -90.0, 180.0) },
type = 'drill',
['Laser Drill'] = { -- Must be unique
item = 'laser_drill', -- Item name
requiredLevel = 10, -- Required level to use the tool
multipliers = {
lootAmount = 3.0, -- 3x loot amount
mineDuration = 3.0, -- 3x faster mining
xpGain = 3.0, -- 3x more xp on mining
durability = 300, -- Durability of the tool (1 hit = -1 durability)
anim = { dict = 'anim@heists@fleeca_bank@drilling', anim = 'drill_straight_fail' },
prop = { bone = 57005, model = 'ch_prop_laserdrill_01a', position = vec3(0.14, 0, -0.01), rotation = vec3(240.0, -90.0, 180.0) },
type = 'laser',
BY RX Scripts Š
Config.MiningZones = {
['Quarry'] = {
coords = vector3(2960.9, 2754.14, 43.71),
distCheck = 250.0, -- From this distance, the ores will spawn
route = {
enabled = true,
coords = { x = 2960.9, y = 2754.14 },
blip = {
enabled = true,
sprite = 124,
color = 31,
display = 2,
scale = 0.7,
shortrange = true,
radiusBlip = {
enabled = true,
radius = 250.0,
color = 31,
alpha = 80,
shortrange = true,
piles = {
prop = 'prop_pile_dirt_04', -- Pile prop
moneyReward = { -- Rewards per pile delivery
account = 'bank',
min = 2500,
max = 5000,
respawnTime = 120, -- Time in seconds for the piles to respawn after being picked up,
pickupTrucks = {
coords = {
spawn = vector4(2906.4185, 2743.2175, 62.5632, 54.4606), -- Spawns here, and drives to wait coords
wait = vector4(2863.9810, 2815.2759, 54.0413, 37.3363), -- Waits here until truck is loaded
locations = {
vector3(2966.245, 2746.693, 42.352),
vector3(2952.649, 2735.566, 43.444),
vector3(2997.287, 2783.369, 42.547),
vector3(2959.59, 2812.581, 41.578),
vector3(2944.008, 2840.525,46.364),
vector3(2901.65, 2836.298, 53.15),
vector3(2899.798, 2777.105, 53.43)
ores = {
types = { -- Ores that can be spawned in this zone, can be found in config/ores.lua
'Coal Ore',
'Copper Ore',
'Iron Ore',
'Silver Ore',
'Gold Ore',
'Platinum Ore',
'Titanium Ore',
'Mithril Ore',
'Adamantium Ore',
respawnTime = 120, -- Time in seconds for the ores to respawn after being mined
locations = {
vector4(2972.131, 2733.69, 47.086, 0.0),
vector4(2975.249, 2737.761, 45.029, 0.0),
vector4(2977.998, 2744.554, 43.702, 0.0),
vector4(2983.397, 2750.286, 43.059, 0.0),
vector4(2988.004, 2751.694, 43.238, 0.0),
vector4(2994.614, 2749.801, 43.845, 0.0),
vector4(2999.735, 2752.794, 43.578, 0.0),
vector4(3003.483, 2758.953, 43.552, 0.0),
vector4(3006.159, 2766.938, 43.288, 0.0),
vector4(3005.718, 2772.702, 43.566, 0.0),
vector4(3005.868, 2782.333, 44.336, 0.0),
vector4(3001.923, 2791.831, 44.868, 0.0),
vector4(2997.226, 2799.491, 44.475, 0.0),
vector4(2995.179, 2804.057, 43.774, 0.0),
vector4(2990.477, 2809.765, 45.186, 0.0),
vector4(2988.212, 2816.096, 45.161, 0.0),
vector4(2985.038, 2820.812, 45.362, 0.0),
vector4(2977.652, 2832.719, 46.17, 0.0),
vector4(2974.027, 2837.605, 45.439, 0.0),
vector4(2971.002, 2845.993, 46.927, 0.0),
vector4(2965.965, 2849.03, 47.396, 0.0),
vector4(2960.551, 2851.188, 47.459, 0.0),
vector4(2949.143, 2853.326, 49.256, 0.0),
vector4(2941.259, 2848.449, 50.257, 0.0),
vector4(2976.559, 2797.309, 40.735, 0.0),
vector4(2982.749, 2788.961, 40.61, 0.0),
vector4(2984.002, 2781.289, 39.929, 0.0),
vector4(2980.285, 2776.382, 38.59, 0.0),
vector4(2973.776, 2770.377, 38.476, 0.0),
vector4(2963.878, 2766.844, 39.159, 0.0),
vector4(2956.515, 2766.928, 39.106, 0.0),
vector4(2948.962, 2764.469, 39.111, 0.0),
vector4(2941.931, 2764.766, 39.469, 0.0),
vector4(2935.169, 2768.035, 39.308, 0.0),
vector4(2930.377, 2774.647, 39.292, 0.0),
vector4(2926.369, 2784.528, 39.653, 0.0),
vector4(2920.771, 2788.506, 40.822, 0.0),
vector4(2917.052, 2793.494, 40.978, 0.0),
vector4(2916.166, 2800.705, 41.364, 0.0),
vector4(2913.23, 2804.437, 43.465, 0.0),
vector4(2909.323, 2784.156, 46.216, 0.0),
vector4(2907.737, 2790.187, 45.689, 0.0),
vector4(2913.81, 2776.38, 44.828, 0.0),
vector4(2921.869, 2771.035, 44.961, 0.0),
vector4(2928.904, 2758.136, 45.288, 0.0),
vector4(2935.131, 2750.685, 44.202, 0.0),
vector4(2935.628, 2739.898, 44.545, 0.0),
vector4(2941.613, 2732.848, 46.611, 0.0),
vector4(2946.104, 2725.058, 47.492, 0.0),
vector4(2954.088, 2728.232, 46.192, 0.0),
vector4(2920.36, 2810.497, 43.96, 0.0),
vector4(2921.216, 2818.244, 48.168, 0.0),
vector4(2926.992, 2822.444, 49.442, 0.0),
vector4(2940.303, 2827.311, 45.466, 0.0),
vector4(2947.281, 2825.892, 44.198, 0.0),
vector4(2928.637, 2841.4, 49.966, 0.0),
vector4(2920.226, 2837.515, 52.60, 0.0),
vector4(2944.463, 2810.609, 40.916, 0.0),
vector4(2930.665, 2808.528, 41.781, 0.0),
vector4(2946.671, 2801.954, 40.234, 0.0),
vector4(2945.47, 2783.788, 38.773, 0.0),
vector4(2925.398, 2799.974, 40.414, 0.0),
vector4(2940.528, 2795.039, 39.577, 0.0)
-- ONLY WORKS IF YOU HAVE K4MB1s mining cave
-- ['K4MB1 Cave'] = {
-- coords = vector3(2889.014, 2664.655, 41.72483000),
-- distCheck = 250.0, -- From this distance, the ores will spawn
-- route = {
-- enabled = true,
-- coords = { x = 2889.014, y = 2664.655 },
-- },
-- blip = {
-- enabled = true,
-- sprite = 89,
-- color = 31,
-- display = 2,
-- scale = 0.7,
-- shortrange = true,
-- },
-- radiusBlip = {
-- enabled = true,
-- radius = 250.0,
-- color = 31,
-- alpha = 80,
-- shortrange = true,
-- },
-- ores = {
-- types = { -- Ores that can be spawned in this zone, can be found in config/ores.lua
-- 'Coal Ore',
-- 'Copper Ore',
-- 'Iron Ore',
-- 'Silver Ore',
-- 'Gold Ore',
-- 'Platinum Ore',
-- 'Titanium Ore',
-- 'Mithril Ore',
-- 'Adamantium Ore',
-- },
-- respawnTime = 60, -- Time in seconds for the ores to respawn after being mined
-- locations = {
-- vector4(2903.924, 2734.51, 45.921, 0.0),
-- vector4(2899.481, 2730.779, 45.425, 0.0),
-- vector4(2895.09, 2724.717, 45.32, 0.0),
-- vector4(2905.163, 2728.46, 45.09, 0.0),
-- vector4(2906.665, 2724.114, 45.428, 0.0),
-- vector4(2895.943, 2716.293, 44.565, 0.0),
-- vector4(2897.467, 2712.547, 47.423, 0.0),
-- vector4(2902.414, 2707.981, 49.084, 0.0),
-- vector4(2908.923, 2704.294, 48.228, 0.0),
-- vector4(2914.19, 2719.643, 47.782, 0.0),
-- vector4(2925.843, 2704.066, 46.13, 0.0),
-- vector4(2931.284, 2699.258, 45.588, 0.0),
-- vector4(2930.438, 2692.098, 46.366, 0.0),
-- vector4(2912.426, 2702.66, 45.55, 0.0),
-- vector4(2910.119, 2696.946, 47.645, 0.0),
-- vector4(2909.946, 2691.534, 48.793, 0.0),
-- vector4(2914.93, 2688.337, 46.486, 0.0),
-- vector4(2930.416, 2683.55, 45.585, 0.0),
-- vector4(2908.266, 2674.681, 44.744, 0.0),
-- vector4(2906.046, 2675.561, 46.67, 0.0),
-- vector4(2903.386, 2677.438, 45.739, 0.0),
-- vector4(2904.913, 2682.321, 47.889, 0.0),
-- vector4(2900.68, 2684.448, 46.73, 0.0),
-- vector4(2909.354, 2665.196, 45.173, 0.0),
-- vector4(2893.833, 2666.695, 43.526, 0.0),
-- vector4(2890.007, 2670.146, 47.558, 0.0),
-- vector4(2887.072, 2682.467, 48.959, 0.0),
-- vector4(2886.727, 2684.763, 46.615, 0.0),
-- vector4(2893.788, 2693.427, 49.599, 0.0),
-- vector4(2893.073, 2701.12, 50.355, 0.0),
-- vector4(2883.536, 2706.984, 50.935, 0.0),
-- vector4(2876.344, 2707.173, 48.571, 0.0),
-- vector4(2870.545, 2702.85, 48.57, 0.0),
-- vector4(2868.872, 2696.341, 46.301, 0.0),
-- vector4(2882.04, 2683.838, 47.017, 0.0),
-- vector4(2870.702, 2686.005, 45.638, 0.0),
-- vector4(2853.012, 2687.119, 46.666, 0.0),
-- vector4(2867.939, 2680.963, 47.678, 0.0),
-- vector4(2864.84, 2675.749, 47.219, 0.0),
-- vector4(2860.555, 2670.706, 46.141, 0.0),
-- vector4(2843.561, 2678.655, 44.857, 0.0),
-- vector4(2840.528, 2663.587, 44.083, 0.0),
-- vector4(2858.927, 2665.299, 44.573, 0.0),
-- vector4(2857.198, 2658.44, 44.449, 0.0),
-- vector4(2853.214, 2656.552, 42.409, 0.0),
-- vector4(2843.125, 2657, 42.564, 0.0),
-- vector4(2856.627, 2651.828, 40.709, 0.0),
-- vector4(2862.886, 2645.14, 39.292, 0.0),
-- vector4(2863.778, 2632.931, 37.488, 0.0),
-- vector4(2859.242, 2631.01, 36.903, 0.0),
-- vector4(2855.322, 2627.785, 36.826, 0.0),
-- vector4(2845.069, 2648.982, 38.773, 0.0),
-- vector4(2842.53, 2643.105, 38.499, 0.0),
-- vector4(2829.588, 2630.835, 36.428, 0.0),
-- vector4(2831.625, 2620.545, 36.082, 0.0),
-- vector4(2849.569, 2622.58, 36.241, 0.0),
-- vector4(2842.126, 2617.233, 35.315, 0.0),
-- vector4(2836.173, 2601.843, 34.626, 0.0),
-- vector4(2830.256, 2616.84, 37.878, 0.0),
-- vector4(2822.124, 2608.163, 37.01, 0.0),
-- vector4(2819.792, 2603.137, 34.715, 0.0),
-- vector4(2820.371, 2587.769, 32.404, 0.0),
-- vector4(2831.502, 2594.34, 34.958, 0.0),
-- vector4(2824.615, 2588.557, 30.13, 0.0),
-- vector4(2826.229, 2590.13, 30.564, 0.0),
-- vector4(2828.095, 2592.88, 30.934, 0.0),
-- vector4(2826.593, 2646.326, 39.409, 0.0),
-- vector4(2822.894, 2632.846, 39.49, 0.0),
-- vector4(2816.04, 2632.326, 40.173, 0.0),
-- vector4(2810.426, 2633.381, 40.408, 0.0),
-- vector4(2800.591, 2629.87, 40.469, 0.0),
-- vector4(2794.491, 2629.214, 39.544, 0.0),
-- vector4(2793.237, 2633.625, 36.365, 0.0),
-- vector4(2793.749, 2637.222, 36.914, 0.0),
-- vector4(2792.893, 2640.345, 38.315, 0.0),
-- vector4(2796.316, 2645.893, 40.358, 0.0),
-- vector4(2810.946, 2651.419, 37.912, 0.0),
-- vector4(2823.414, 2648.716, 39.608, 0.0),
-- vector4(2877.583, 2632.081, 40.039, 0.0),
-- vector4(2870.229, 2644.401, 41.185, 0.0),
-- vector4(2874.439, 2648.021, 42.631, 0.0),
-- vector4(2879.48, 2648.234, 42.111, 0.0),
-- vector4(2886.622, 2650.144, 39.839, 0.0),
-- vector4(2885.433, 2634.161, 43.295, 0.0),
-- vector4(2890.993, 2636.254, 39.522, 0.0),
-- vector4(2895.816, 2648.44, 39.64, 0.0),
-- vector4(2895.346, 2628.416, 37.059, 0.0),
-- vector4(2899.204, 2626.469, 36.835, 0.0),
-- vector4(2896.814, 2626.734, 38.605, 0.0),
-- vector4(2865.324, 2664.365, 47.697, 0.0),
-- vector4(2861.872, 2666.336, 49.199, 0.0),
-- vector4(2863.875, 2665.031, 50.488, 0.0)
-- },
-- }
-- },
BY RX Scripts Š
Config.MaxMissions = 6 -- Max amount of missions that can be active at the same time (make sure it's 1 less than the amount of missions in the table below so it can rotate)
Config.Missions = {
-- Mine Missions
["Mine 50x Coal Ore"] = {
endTime = 12, -- Time in hours to complete the mission (after this a random other mission will start)
type = 'mined', -- 'mined'
amount = 50, -- Amount of hits required
ore = 'Coal Ore', -- Ore to mine
rewards = {
xp = 50, -- Set to 0 to disable
money = 1000, -- Set to 0 to disable
moneyType = 'bank',
items = {}, -- Empty table to disable
["Mine 40x Copper Ore"] = {
endTime = 10,
type = 'mined',
amount = 40,
ore = 'Copper Ore',
rewards = {
xp = 70,
money = 1200,
moneyType = 'cash',
items = {},
["Mine 35x Iron Ore"] = {
endTime = 14,
type = 'mined',
amount = 35,
ore = 'Iron Ore',
rewards = {
xp = 100,
money = 1500,
moneyType = 'bank',
items = {
-- { item = 'iron_bar', amount = 5 }
}, -- Example reward item
["Mine 30x Silver Ore"] = {
endTime = 8,
type = 'mined',
amount = 30,
ore = 'Silver Ore',
rewards = {
xp = 120,
money = 2000,
moneyType = 'bank',
items = {},
["Mine 20x Gold Ore"] = {
endTime = 12,
type = 'mined',
amount = 20,
ore = 'Gold Ore',
rewards = {
xp = 150,
money = 3000,
moneyType = 'bank',
items = {
-- { item = 'gold_bar', amount = 3 }
["Mine 15x Platinum Ore"] = {
endTime = 16,
type = 'mined',
amount = 15,
ore = 'Platinum Ore',
rewards = {
xp = 200,
money = 5000,
moneyType = 'cash',
items = {
-- { item = 'platinum_ingot', amount = 2 }
["Mine 10x Titanium Ore"] = {
endTime = 18,
type = 'mined',
amount = 10,
ore = 'Titanium Ore',
rewards = {
xp = 250,
money = 7500,
moneyType = 'bank',
items = {},
["Mine 8x Mithril Ore"] = {
endTime = 20,
type = 'mined',
amount = 8,
ore = 'Mithril Ore',
rewards = {
xp = 300,
money = 10000,
moneyType = 'bank',
items = {
-- { item = 'mithril_bar', amount = 1 }
["Mine 5x Adamantium Ore"] = {
endTime = 24,
type = 'mined',
amount = 5,
ore = 'Adamantium Ore',
rewards = {
xp = 500,
money = 15000,
moneyType = 'bank',
items = {
-- { item = 'adamantium_shard', amount = 1 }
BY RX Scripts Š
Config.Levels = { -- Levels must be incremental by 1, starting from 1
-- level 0 is the default starter level everyone has
[1] = 100, -- 100 xp needed to reach level 1
[2] = 250,
[3] = 500,
[4] = 750,
[5] = 1000,
[6] = 1500,
[7] = 2000,
[8] = 2750,
[9] = 3500,
[10] = 5000,
Opensource files
BY RX Scripts Š
function ShowTextUI(text, opts)
if not TextUIShown then
TextUIShown = true
lib.showTextUI(text, opts)
function HideTextUI()
if TextUIShown then
TextUIShown = false
function AddMiningNPCTarget(ped)
if OXTarget then
OXTarget:addLocalEntity(ped, {
label = 'Open Bob The Miner',
name = 'openMiningNPC',
icon = 'fas fa-trowel',
distance = 2.5,
onSelect = function(data)
elseif QBTarget then
QBTarget:AddTargetEntity(ped, {
options = {
label = 'Open Bob The Miner',
icon = 'fas fa-trowel',
targeticon = 'fas fa-trowel',
action = function(entity)
distance = 2.5,
function AddOreTarget(zoneName, oreId)
local ore = SpawnedOres[zoneName][oreId]
if OXTarget then
OXTarget:addLocalEntity(ore.obj, {
label = 'Mine ',
name = 'mineOre',
icon = 'fas fa-trowel',
distance = 2.5,
canInteract = function()
return not IsMining
onSelect = function(data)
MineOre(zoneName, oreId)
elseif QBTarget then
QBTarget:AddTargetEntity(ore.obj, {
options = {
label = 'Mine ',
icon = 'fas fa-trowel',
targeticon = 'fas fa-trowel',
canInteract = function()
return not IsMining
action = function(entity)
MineOre(zoneName, oreId)
distance = 2.5,
function AddShopNPCTarget(npc)
if OXTarget then
OXTarget:addLocalEntity(npc, {
label = 'Open Mining Shop',
name = 'openMiningShop',
icon = 'fas fa-shopping-cart',
distance = 2.5,
onSelect = function(data)
elseif QBTarget then
QBTarget:AddTargetEntity(npc, {
options = {
label = 'Open Mining Shop',
icon = 'fas fa-shopping-cart',
targeticon = 'fas fa-shopping-cart',
action = function(entity)
distance = 2.5,
function AddSellNPCTarget(npc, sellId)
if OXTarget then
OXTarget:addLocalEntity(npc, {
label = 'Open Mining Selling',
name = 'openMiningSelling',
icon = 'fas fa-shopping-cart',
distance = 2.5,
onSelect = function(data)
elseif QBTarget then
QBTarget:AddTargetEntity(npc, {
options = {
label = 'Open Mining Selling',
icon = 'fas fa-shopping-cart',
targeticon = 'fas fa-shopping-cart',
action = function(entity)
distance = 2.5,
function AddVehicleRentalNPCTarget(npc, rentalName, locIndex)
if OXTarget then
OXTarget:addLocalEntity(npc, {
label = 'Open '..rentalName,
name = 'openVehicleRental',
icon = 'fas fa-truck',
distance = 2.5,
onSelect = function(data)
OpenVehicleRental(rentalName, locIndex)
elseif QBTarget then
QBTarget:AddTargetEntity(npc, {
options = {
label = 'Open '..rentalName,
icon = 'fas fa-ship',
targeticon = 'fas fa-truck',
action = function(entity)
OpenVehicleRental(rentalName, locIndex)
distance = 2.5,
function RemoveShopNPCTarget(ped)
if OXTarget then
OXTarget:removeLocalEntity(ped, 'openMiningShop')
elseif QBTarget then
QBTarget:RemoveTargetEntity(ped, 'Open Mining Shop')
function RemoveSellNPCTarget(ped)
if OXTarget then
OXTarget:removeLocalEntity(ped, 'openMiningSelling')
elseif QBTarget then
QBTarget:RemoveTargetEntity(ped, 'Open Mining Selling')
function RemoveTarget(ent, name)
if OXTarget then
OXTarget:removeLocalEntity(ent, name)
elseif QBTarget then
QBTarget:RemoveTargetEntity(ent, name)
function GetItemsAmounts()
return FM.callback.sync('mining:getItemsAmounts')
function MineProgressBar(toolFound, duration)
local cfgTool = Config.Tools[toolFound]
return FM.progress.start({
label = 'Mining',
time = duration,
anim = cfgTool.anim,
disable = {
move = true,
car = true,
combat = true,
prop = cfgTool.prop,
type = 'circle',
---@param type 'returnVehicle'
function ShowMarker(type, coords)
if type == 'returnVehicle' then
DrawMarker(39, coords, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 255, 100, 100, 100, false, true, 2, false, false, false, false)
function ShowHelpNotification(msg, thisFrame, beep, duration)
AddTextEntry('helpNotification', msg)
if thisFrame then
DisplayHelpTextThisFrame('helpNotification', false)
if beep == nil then
beep = true
EndTextCommandDisplayHelp(0, false, beep, duration or -1)
local function notifyPolice(coords, msg)
local blip = AddBlipForCoord(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)
SetBlipSprite(blip, 161)
SetBlipScale(blip, 1.0)
SetBlipColour(blip, 1)
SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, false)
FM.utils.notify(msg, 'error')
RegisterNetEvent('mining:notifyPolice', function(coords, msg)
notifyPolice(coords, msg)
BY RX Scripts Š
Config.DiscordWebhook = ''
local function getPoliceSources()
local players = FM.utils.getPlayers()
local policeSources = {}
for src, p in pairs(players) do
if p.getJob().name == 'police' then
policeSources[#policeSources+1] = src
return policeSources
function NotifyPolice(coords, msg)
local police = getPoliceSources()
for _, src in pairs(police) do
TriggerClientEvent('mining:notifyPolice', src, coords, msg)
function HasMiningLicense(src)
local p = FM.player.get(src)
if not p then return false end
local identifier = p.getIdentifier()
if not Miners[identifier] then return false end
return Miners[identifier].license
RENAME 'mining_license_name_here' TO YOUR MINING LICENSE NAME
REMOVE/COMMENT THE FUNCTION ABOVE: function HasMiningLicense(src) ...... end
-- function HasMiningLicense(src)
-- local hasLicense =
-- TriggerEvent('esx_license:checkLicense', src, 'mining_license_name_here', function(bool)
-- hasLicense:resolve(bool)
-- end)
-- return Citizen.Await(hasLicense)
-- end
FM.callback.register('mining:getItemsAmounts', function(src)
local p = FM.player.get(src)
if not p then return end
local items = p.getItems()
local amounts = {}
for _, item in pairs(items) do
if amounts[] then
amounts[] = amounts[] + item.amount
amounts[] = item.amount
return amounts
RegisterNetEvent('mining:onLicenseBought', function(playerId)
-- This event will be called whenever a player bought a mining license
RegisterNetEvent('mining:onOreMined', function(playerId, oreName, miner)
-- This event will be called whenever a player hit an ore
Last updated