You can find here in which order the scripts should be started
Here you can find how to configure the script and some important things to look out for. We have pre-configured the 4 shells/mlo's of the RxDrugsLabs, below you can find how to add your own.
To make sure your laptop works properly in the drug lab to sell or buy the ingredients for example, you need to add shell/mlo name in the config.
We already have 4 labs pre-configured. Where you see 'change_me,' you need to enter the name of the shell/MLO that you set or added in RxDrugsLabs. Below, you will find an example of the names.
['change_me'] = { -- The 'change_me' must be the same as the shell/MLO name in your RxDrugsLabs.
locationsAmount = { min = 4, max = 6 }, -- amount of drop-off locations, picked from the locations table, make sure to have enough locations for max
cooldown = 30, -- in minutes
sellings = { -- all items that are sold at a drop-off
['weed_baggy'] = {
amount = { min = 1, max = 20 }, -- range of amount of items that can be sold at one drop-off
moneyReturn = { min = 800, max = 1200, type = 'bank' }, -- random price in between, given per 1x item, type is money type from your framework/inventory
dropOff = {
blip = {
sprite = 501,
color = 1,
scale = 0.7,
display = 4,
label = "Drop Off",
shortrange = true,
progress = {
label = "Dropping Off",
duration = 3000,
animation = {
anim = 'givetake1_a',
dict = 'mp_common',
['change_me'] = { -- The 'change_me' must be the same as the shell/MLO name in your RxDrugsLabs.
['Plane Delivery'] = {
duration = 180, -- delivery time in minutes
maxActive = 3, -- max amount of active deliveries at the same time
moneyType = 'bank', -- money type from your framework/inventory to collect at
sellings = { -- all items that can put on the automatic delivery
['meth_baggy'] = {
label = 'Meth Bag',
amount = { min = 100, max = 500 }, -- range of amount of items that can be put on the delivery
moneyPer = 1000, -- payout per 1x item
['meth'] = {
label = 'Meth',
amount = { min = 0, max = 500 }, -- range of amount of items that can be put on the delivery
moneyPer = 1000, -- payout per 1x item
['Boat Delivery'] = {
duration = 180, -- delivery time in minutes
maxActive = 2, -- max amount of active deliveries at the same time
moneyType = 'bank', -- money type from your framework/inventory to collect at
sellings = { -- all items that can put on the automatic delivery
['meth_baggy'] = {
label = 'Meth Bag',
amount = { min = 500, max = 2000 }, -- range of amount of items that can be put on the delivery
moneyPer = 1000, -- payout per 1x item
['change_me'] = { -- The 'change_me' must be the same as the shell/MLO name in your RxDrugsLabs.
moneyType = 'bank', -- money type from your framework/inventory to pay with
items = {
['acetone'] = {
label = 'Acetone',
pricePer = 100, -- price per 1x item
min = 100, -- min amount of item per order
max = 500, -- max amount of item per order
cooldown = 30, -- in minutes
['lithiumbattery'] = {
label = 'Lithium Battery',
pricePer = 100, -- price per 1x item
min = 100, -- min amount of item per order
max = 500, -- max amount of item per order
cooldown = 30, -- in minutes